NIMS concluded a comprehensive research agreement with ETHZ, Switzerland
On March 24, 2004, NIMS concluded a General Agreement on Comprehensive Research Cooperation with the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich).

ETHZ is one of the most distinguished science and technology universities in Europe and is also well known as the college from which Albert Einstein graduated. NIMS and ETHZ have collaborated for years on a wide range of research initiatives concerning Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Metallic Glass, etc., and this agreement is expected to further boost the number of future collaborations. Prof. Kishi, President of NIMS, and Prof. Ulrich W. Suter, Vice President for Research, ETHZ, attended the signing ceremony held in Zurich. Through this agreement, a broader spectrum of cooperative research efforts including exchange of researchers is planned, and one scientist from ETHZ has already joined the International Center for Young Scientist (ICYS) of NIMS as an ICYS fellow. ICYS is also delighted to host a second scientist from ETHZ starting in July.