NIMS signed an agreement about research cooperation with École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris.
(Nov. 24, 2006) NIMS signed an agreement about research cooperation with École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris (ENSMP).

From right to left; Prof. Michel Boussuge (ENSMP), Prof. Benoit LEGAIT (President of ENSMP), Dr. Yoshio Bando (Director of ICYS, NIMS).
Prof. Benoit LEGAIT (President of ENSMP), Prof. Michel Boussuge (ENSMP), and Dr. Yoshio Bando (Director of ICYS, NIMS) attended signing ceremony. ENSMP, which was established 1783, is one of the highest level university in science and engineering in France. This agreement will accelerate research collaboration by exchange of young researchers and students.