Extension of Agreement of the Joint Graduate School Program with Charles Univ, Czech Republic
( May 21, 2007) NIMS and Charles University, CzechRepublic, have agreed to extend the Agreement of the Joint Graduate School Program.

From left to right: Dr. T. Mori (NIMS), Dr.H. Kanda (NIMS), Prof. T. Kishi (NIMS),Prof.V.Hampl, Prof.V.Matolin, Dr. M. Yoshitake (NIMS), Dr. M. Kitagawa (Vice President, NIMS)
Prof. V.Hampl, Rector of Charles Univ, visited NIMS together with Prof. V.Matolin, Charles Univ., and signed the renewed agreement with Prof. Kishi, President of NIMS on May 21. NIMS and CharlesUniversity started this program in 2002, and 26 students have visited NIMS in the last five years.