The ICYS-ICMR Summer School on Nanomaterials 2007 was successfully held
(July 23-28, NIMS) — The ICYS-ICMR Summer School on Nanomaterials 2007 was successfully held with 15 prominent scientists (invited lecturers), 58 students and young researchers from 14 countries (Japan: 26, USA: 15, other countries: 17).

Summer School lecturers and participants.
Since last year, this School has been co-hosted by NIMS’ International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) and the International Center for Materials Research (ICMR) of the University of California, Santa Barbara. The objective of this school was to expose participants to interdisciplinary concepts in nanomaterials research. This school helps participants enhance their research perspectives through the lectures as well as in stimulating each other through oral and poster presentations. Organizers also offered some Japanese cultural programs making the school enjoyable and plentiful with not only scientific but also cultural experiences. The establishment of international network among participants was also another important purpose of this school, and the school was closed with fruitful achievements.