Professor David Delpy, Chief Executive of EPSRC visited NIMS
(May 23, 2008) Professor David Delpy, Chief Executive of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC) and Dr. Paul Johnson, First Secretary of British Embassy to Japan visited NIMS.

rom left: Prof. D. Delpy, Dr. P. Johnson and Prof. Y. Umakoshi
They met Professor Yukichi Umakoshi, the Vice President of NIMS, Professor Sukekatsu Ushioda, the NIMS Fellow and Dr. Masaki Kitagawa, the Vice President of NIMS, Dr. Kotobu Nagai, the Coordinating Director, and Dr. Chikashi Nishimura, the Managing Director of Fuel Cell Center.
They exchanged information on research trends and support and large scale infrastructure construction. In the lab. tour, Prof. Delpy visited 3D Nano-Integration line and the Rolls-Royce Centre of Excellence for Aerospace Materials.
They exchanged information on research trends and support and large scale infrastructure construction. In the lab. tour, Prof. Delpy visited 3D Nano-Integration line and the Rolls-Royce Centre of Excellence for Aerospace Materials.