(Aug 28, 2008) Prof. Teruo Kishi, President of NIMS, visited KIMS(Korea Institute of Materials Science)to sign Sister Institute (Comprehensive Collaborative) Agreement with Dr. Byoung-Kee Kim, Acting President of KIMS. (It is re-signing after KIMS was established a subsidiary of KIMM). Prof. Kishi also had a laboratory tour and gave a lecture, exchanging information on research activities. Photo: Signing ceremony with Dr. Byoung-Kee Kim, Acting President of KIMS.
NIMS signed Sister Institute Agreement with two institutes in Korea
(2008.09.02 Update)
(Aug 28, 2008) Prof. Teruo Kishi, President of NIMS, visited Korea and signed Sister Institute (Comprehensive Collaborative) Agreement with KIMS and KIST.

Photo Signing ceremony with Dr. Byoung-Kee Kim, Acting President of KIMS

Photo Signing ceremony with Dr. Dongwha Kum, President of KIST
On the same day, President of NIMS visited KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology)to sign Sister Institute (Comprehensive Collaborative) Agreement with Dr. Dongwha Kim, President of KIST. Prof. Kishi also gave a lecture, emphasizing the promotion of collaboration between the nanotechnology COE networks of Korea and Japan.