NIMS Concludes an International Joint Graduate School Agreement with Budapest University of Technology and Economics
(2008.12.24 Update)
(Dec. 1, 2008) NIMS concluded an international joint graduate school agreement with Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

Signing Ceremony at NIMS. Form left: Prof. Teruo Kishi, President of NIMS, Prof. István Bársony, Director of MFA, and Prof. György Mihály, Head of Doctoral Commission of BME. The agreement was also signed by Prof. Gábor Péczeli, Rector Magnificus of BME
BME is a prestigious Hungarian higher education institute founded in 1782, with three Nobel laureates Jenö Wigner (theoretical physics 1963), Dénes Gábor (Holography 1971) and György Oláh (carbonic chemistry 1994). Also involved in this agreement is the Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science of the Hungarian Academy of Science (MFA) in Budapest, represented by Director Prof. István Bársony.
The first graduate students of BME are expected to do research work at NIMS in 2009. NIMS has already signed two very successful international joint graduate school agreements in Europe, with Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic (signed in February 2002) and with Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (signed in March 2005).