Impact Factors of STAM increased by 105% from 2008 to 2010
(2010.07.14 Update)
The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) is celebrating the 10th year of publishing its internationally renowned journal, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM).
STAM is a source of timely and in-depth information for materials scientists worldwide, covering research in areas including metals, inorganic and organic materials, biocompatible materials, and nanotechnology.
On 17th June, Thomson Reuters announced the latest impact factors (IF) for international journals, and the IF of STAM increased by 105% from 1.267 in 2008 to 2.599 in 2010.
On 17th June, Thomson Reuters announced the latest impact factors (IF) for international journals, and the IF of STAM increased by 105% from 1.267 in 2008 to 2.599 in 2010.

Transition of STAM's Impact Factors (Thomson Reuters)
Notably, STAM’s ranking in the area of ‘materials science and multidisciplinary research’ journals went up from 86 out of 192 in 2008, to 36 out of 212, in 2009. The record is the highest in journals published in Japan in the area.
These remarkable changes in STAM’s ranking reflect the quality of papers published in this journal, and importantly, the major increases in citations by the international community of materials scientists. STAM’s high international ranking reflects the strong impact of its papers on research on materials science worldwide.
These remarkable changes in STAM’s ranking reflect the quality of papers published in this journal, and importantly, the major increases in citations by the international community of materials scientists. STAM’s high international ranking reflects the strong impact of its papers on research on materials science worldwide.