NIMS Signed MOU with The Inter University Accelerator Centre of India
(2010.11.01 Update)
IUAC, New Delhi, India, and the Quantum Beam Center, NIMS, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on collaborative research for "the Fabrication and modification of nano-materials by ion beams".

From left: Dr. Devesh Kumar Avasthi (IUAC, Group Leader of Materials Science & Radiation Biology), Dr. Amit Roy (IUAC, Director), and Dr. Hiroshi Amekura (NIMS, Senior Researcher).
The IUAC has a 50 meter tall tower made of heavy concrete, which houses a Pelletron-type tandem accelerator. The accelerator generates high energy beam up to 200 MeV of heavy ions such as gold, silver, etc. This kind of the swift heavy ions seldom collide with the atoms in solids, and rather induce high-density electronic excitation in nanometric cylindrical regions along the ion trajectories.
In the collaborative research, we focus on irradiation effects of the swift heavy ions on morphology and physical properties of nano-structures, such as metal and oxide nanoparticles embedded in insulators. We hope that this collaboration will open a door to the new paradigm which could be called "High-energy nanotechnology".