French Minister of High Education and Research visits NIMS
(2013.10.08 Update)
Her Excellency Geneviève Fioraso, Minister of High Education and Research, the Government of France, accompanied by Prof. Manuel Tunon de Lara, President of Bordeaux University, and high-rank officials made a visit to NIMS.

Delegation and NIMS attendants
Minister Fioraso had attended the Annual Meeting 2013 of STS forum (Science and Technology in Society forum) in Kyoto, and then she visited several research institutions in Tsukuba including NIMS. Although President Ushioda was unfortunately not available on the day, the Minister met all the three Executive Vice Presidents and listened to the overview presentation of NIMS, with emphasis on the collaboration with industries, and to the explanation on the special collaboration with Saint-Gobain and CNRS of France. All attendants eagerly discussed possible next steps for the cooperation between NIMS and France.
We earnestly believe that Minister Fioraso’s visit would be an excellent opportunity to promote the collaboration with French universities, public research institutions and industries still much more.