Report on the 6th Tsukuba International Coating Symposium
(2014.12.11 Update)
On Dec 4th and 5th, 2014, the 6th Tsukuba International Coating Symposium (TICS 2014) was held at the WPI-MANA Auditorium.
This symposium, co-organized by the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), has been held every two years, in order to discuss how coating research activities will contribute to science and technology, through the introduction of research topics currently investigated in Tsukuba, as well as presentations by world-leading researchers. In this symposium, partly co-organized by MANA, the focus was on the following issues.
- Coatings for 2D, 3D additive manufacturing
- Coatings for infrastructure
- Thermal and environmental barrier coatings
- Functional ceramics and nanocrystal coatings
We had 33 oral presentations and 122 participants in total, (75 from outside NIMS), with very active interactions among them, confirming that this symposium was a very fruitful one for coating researchers.

Group photo of the symposium participants