ENERGY TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ‒ ENERGY POLICIES Workshop was held at the Gstaad in Switzerland
(2014.03.31 Update)
In the frame of 150th anniversary of diplomatic relation between Switzerland and Japan, ENERGY TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ‒ ENERGY POLICIES was held at the Gstaad in Switzerland on March 9-12, sponsored by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Swiss Federal Office of Energy and NIMS.

More than 20 prominent scientists and 20 promising young scientists in the field of energy research from both countries reported their latest research results. And poster session was also presented by young researchers. They exchanged very vigorous questions and discussions on this theme during 4 days.
On the first day, the workshop had the honor of a visit by Ambassador Mr. Maeda from Japan Embassy. He delivered an opening address and expressed his strong expectations for the research cooperation between the two countries.
This workshop would be an excellent opportunity to accelerate the collaboration on energy research between the two countries.