Minister of Science, Technology And Innovation of Malaysia visits NIMS
(2015.10.19 Update)
(October 2, 2015) Honorable Madius Tangau, Minister of Science, Technology And Innovation, the Government of Malaysia, made a visit to NIMS.

Delegation and NIMS attendants
Minister Tangau visited NIMS before the attendance of the Annual Meeting 2015 of STS forum (Science and Technology in Society forum) in Kyoto.
Minister made a courtesy call to President Ushioda of NIMS, and listened to the NIMS overview from NIMS Executive Vice President and the explanation on TIA activity inside NIMS and GREEN. After the overviews, the delegation made a Labtour of GREEN.
NIMS concluded Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with University Technology Malaysia in 2014, we earnestly believe that Minister Tangau’s visit would be an excellent opportunity to promote the collaboration with Malaysian universities, public research institutions more and more.