New Joint Doctoral Course, “Advanced Nanomaterials Engineering,” to be Established in New Joint Doctoral Course, “Advanced Nanomaterials Engineering,” to be Established in the Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering


National Institute for Materials Science
Kyushu University

The National Institute for Materials Science and the Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering, have agreed to establish a new joint doctoral course, “Advanced Nanomaterials Engineering,” in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, respectively, in the Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering, with NIMS as the parent organization.


  1. The National Institute for Materials Science (President: Teruo Kishi, hereinafter, NIMS) and the Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering (Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering: Shinichi Hino), have agreed to establish a new joint doctoral course, “Advanced Nanomaterials Engineering,” in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Department of Materials Physics and Chemistry, respectively, in the Kyushu University Graduate School of Engineering, with NIMS as the parent organization. The goal of this program is to develop the excellent young researchers in nanomaterials science who will bear the responsibility for this field in the 21st century through cooperative efforts. The agreement was signed on May 1, 2009.
  2. The aim of the “Advanced Nanomaterials Engineering” course is to strengthen education and research in the doctoral program in the Kyushu University School of Engineering by assigning NIMS researchers as Joint Professors and Joint Associate Professors of Kyushu University, and providing education and research guidance taking advantage of the outstanding research environment at NIMS.
  3. The planned curriculum of the course includes Introduction to Nanomaterials Engineering, Nanomaterials Creation Processes, Separation Material Engineering, Advanced Electron Microscopy, Advanced Optical Measurement, High Intensity Spectroscopy, Introduction to Magnetic Materials, High Field Physics, etc. Innovations will be introduced to enable participants to acquire a wide range of specialization oriented toward application, while also developing a firm foundation of basic capabilities through comprehensive study of nanomaterials creation, measurement, and property evaluation. Active efforts will also be made to receive students from Asia, Europe, and the United States so that participants can develop a strong international sense and communications skills, as well as research capabilities. The ultimate objective of the course is to train researchers with a broad vision and comprehensive capabilities, making it possible to respond to the needs of society and progress in science and technology, while taking full advantage of the advanced facilities and international research environment of NIMS.
  4. Under the current schedule, students will be accepted in the course for study beginning in April 2010.