Announcement of the 2012 NIMS Conference and NIMS Award Winners

NIMS Award Ceremony and Memorial Lectures by Award Winners to be Held at the NIMS Conference

(2012.04.26 Update)

National Institute for Materials Science

NIMS has selected the winners of the NIMS Award for 2012, and will hold the Award Ceremony and Memorial Lectures by the award winners at the NIMS Conference in June.


The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS; President: Sukekatsu Ushioda) holds the NIMS Conference each year as a biggest  international conference organized by NIMS for discussion of materials science and nanotechnology from various perspectives and presentation of recent research results. Many world-class top researchers participate as invited speakers.

This year’s NIMS Conference, which is the 9th in the series, will be held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center, Epochal Tsukuba over a 3 day period from June 4 to 6 on the theme of “Structural Materials Science and Strategy for Sustainability – Back to the Basics –.”

The purpose of this year’s conference is to further energize research on structural materials through a discussion of unsolved problems across a wide range of structural materials, together with presentations of recent research results and discussion of their industrial applications.
In particular, in FY 2012 NIMS launched a new project called “Structural Materials for Improved Infrastructure” as a response from the viewpoint of structural materials research to the reconstruction after the unprecedented Great East Japan Earthquake which this country suffered in March of last year, as well as other large-scale earthquakes and tsunamis those may occur in the future.
This project will be introduced at the NIMS Conference, which is expected to serve as a platform for a wide-ranging exchange of opinions and information on the measures to deal with earthquake disasters.

The NIMS Awards for 2012 will also be presented at the NIMS Conference, recognizing persons who have made distinguished achievements in the field of materials science and technology and important contributions to the development of NIMS. Candidates were nominated from the top scientists in the world in line with the above-mentioned theme, and a strict final selection was made by a committee of neutral experts. As a result, three recipients were selected this year, Prof. Harry K.D.H. Bhadeshia (University of Cambridge), Prof. John William Morris, Jr. (University of California, Berkeley), and Prof. Subra Suresh (Director of the National Science Foundation of the United States). These three eminent scientists are scheduled to deliver Award-Winning Lectures following the Award Ceremony at the NIMS Conference.

■Outline of NIMS Conference
Date: June 4-6 (The NIMS Award Ceremony and Memorial Lectures by Award Winners will be held on June 4.)
Venue: Tsukuba International Congress Center, Epochal Tsukuba