NIMS Issues Corrosion Data Sheet

(2012.05.07 Update)

National Institute for Materials Science

NIMS recently issued a new Corrosion Data Sheet, “Data sheet No. 4B on atmospheric corrosion properties of Fe-P and Fe-Cu binary alloys.”


The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS; President: Sukekatsu Ushioda) is engaged in activities to improve data on the atmospheric corrosion properties of low alloy steels in atmospheric environments. As one result of these activities, NIMS recently issued the following data sheet.

  • Corrosion Data Sheet, “Data sheet No. 4B on atmospheric corrosion properties of Fe-P and Fe-Cu binary alloys”

These activities are part of efforts by the National Institute for Materials Science to improve the intellectual infrastructure under its 3rd Five-year Plan (FY2011-FY2015). Numerous results have been achieved to date, including elucidation of the effects of the main alloy components of weathering steels on atmospheric corrosion resistance, etc.
In the future, NIMS plans to issue a data sheet on fundamental data for standardization of shielded exposure tests.