Vol.3 No.8 <August>

Special Features: Nanotechnology/Materials Research

2005.08.10 Published


Special Features: Nanotechnology/Materials Research

Supporting the Creation of a Sustainable Society II
Toward Realization of Next-Generation DNA SemiconductorsShape Memory Alloy
- Controlling Electric Conductivity in DNA -
Analysis of Size Dependence of FePt Particle Ordering by Phase-Field Method
- Guidelines for Nanostructure Control of Magnetic Recording Media -
Analysis of Hydrogen Embrittlement Phenomena by First-Principles Simulation
Transport Properties of Single Organic Molecules
Discovery of New States of Material
- Theoretical Research on Superconductivity Vortex Systems -


  • Comprehensive Research Agreement with KAIST, Korea
  • Visit by Czech Science and Technology Delegation
  • NIMS Signs MOU with a British Centre for Industrial Collaboration

Hello from NIMS

Vladimir Matolin (Jul. 2005 - Feb. 2006)