Vol.4 No.7 <July>

Special Features: Introduction of 20 New Projects and Recent Achievements - Nano System Functionalit

2006.07.10 Published


Special Features: Introduction of 20 New Projects and Recent Achievements - Nano System Functionalit

Preface "From Nano Functions to Nano System Functionalities"
Candidate for Nano-Architectonics Extreme Nano 3-D Integrated Device Using High-Tc Superconductor
Toward the Creation of Nanoscale Functional Structures and Their Integration
Aiming at the Creation of a New Atomic/Molecular Electronics
Quest for Novel Quantum Transport Phenomena
New Developments in Nano Function Metrology
- Development and Application of New Photon-Detecting STM (P-STM) -
Research on Diamond Superconductors
- Aiming at the Creation of Novel Nanodevices -

Research Frontier

Realization of a Light Source for Quantum Information Communication
- A Step toward Practical Application of Quantum Encrypted Communications with Extreme Security -
Development of Ultra-Soft X-Ray Spectrometer for Electron Probe Microanalysis
- New Device Enables High Sensitivity Detection of Lithium X-Rays -


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