Vol.5 No.1 <Jan>

New Year 2007
President's Greeting

2007.01.10 Published


New Year 2007

President's Greeting

Special Features

Introduction of 20 New Projects and Recent Achievements
- Nanoscale Materials Center (NMC) -
  • Creation and Functionalization of Novel Nanotubes and Nanosheets at NMC
  • Synthesis and Integration of Novel Nanosheets to Develop Advanced Functional Materials
  • Creation of Nanoscale Ionic Materials
  • Synthesis of Novel Nanoscale Materials and Their Functionalizations
    - Recent Achievements in BN Nanotubes -
  • In-situ Electrical and Mechanical Probing of Nanotubes inside a 300 kV High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope

Hello from NIMS

A Learning Experience
Joseph Govan (Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland)


  • Report on " Prof. Sir Kroto's Science Class in Tsukuba" at NIMS