Vol.6 No.3 <Mar>

The Challenge of the International Center for Young Scientists

2008.03.10 Published


The Challenge of the International Center for Young Scientists

- 5 Years of Effort in Human Resources Development and Internationalization -
-Communication Infrastructure and Publication of Results-

FACE interview

Teamwork is crucial for independent research
Jonathan Hill, NIMS Senior Researcher

NIMS Project

NIMS Projects and Recent Achievements
Photocatalytic Materials Center
Theoretical Research on Adsorption of Water Molecules on Surface of Metal Oxide Photocatalyst

Research Highlights

Combinatorial Sputter Coating System
- A Coating Optimization with extremely high efficiency -
Micro-Nano Materials Engineering Group, Materials Reliability Center
Fabrication of Oriented Thin Film Using Nanosheet
- Sheet Only 1nm in Thickness Controls Crystal Growth -
Soft Chemistry Group, Nanoscale Materials CenterInternational Center for Materials Opto-Electronics Group, Optronic Materials Center World Premier International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)

SPECIAL Interview

"Harnessing the Energy of Global Science"
Professor Anthony Cheetham
Goldsmiths' Professor of Materials Science University of Cambridge


  • Dr. Ajayan Vinu receives the 21st KIA award in Iran Chinese Professors in Japan and Prime Minister Fukuda
  • President of National Chiao Tung University visits NIMS
  • An India-NIMS Workshop is held at JNCASR in India
  • MEXT Vice Minister Kenshiro Matsunami Visits NIMS
  • A New NIMS Venture Company "Comet, Inc." is established

Hello from NIMS

Dr. Run-Wei LI (China)