Vol.6 No.11 <Nov>

Photovoltaic Materials Cluster
The Development of New Photovoltaic(PV) Materials Based on the Materials Science

2008.11.10 Published


Photovoltaic Materials Cluster

The Development of New Photovoltaic(PV) Materials Based on the Materials Science
Six PV Materials and Concepts

Face Interview

Opening the Way to High Performance by Elucidation of the Principle and Mechanism
- Liyuan Han, Group Leader -

Research Highlights

Electron Microscope Capable of Element-Selective Visualization of Atomic Arrangement
Advanced Electron Microscopy Group,
Advanced Nano Characterization Center
Prediction of Microstructure Morphology of Practical Ni-base Superalloy
High Temperature Materials Group,
High Temperature Materials Center


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  • Two MANA Researchers Receive the Tsukuba Prize

Hello from NIMS

Davide Uglietti (Italy)