Vol.7 No.1 <Jan - Feb>

Special Feature
NIMS Researchers Win Awards

2009.01.30 Published


Aiming to Become an Even More Open Research Institute

-Aiming to Become an Even More Open Research Institute-

Special Feature

NIMS Researchers Win Awards

Research Highlights

Growth of Molecular Wire and Application to Transistors
Advanced Device Materials Group, Advanced Electronic Materials Center
Nano Functionality Integration Group, Nano Systems Functionality Center
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University
Growth of Molecular Wire and Application to Transistors
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Analysis Nanoscale Materials Center
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)

Cluster -Introduction of Interdisciplinary Cluster-

Transmission Electron Microscopy

FACE Interview

Developing Sustainable and Multi-talented Materials through Simple
Organic Synthesis and Molecular Organizations
Takashi Nakanishi

NIMS llumination

The final collaboration with neighborhood


  • NIMS President Kishi Receives the 1st Kishinoue Award
  • Saint-Gobain and NIMS Begin Research Collaboration
  • Deepening of Int’l Cooperation with Nanjing University
  • NIMS Concluded a Sister Institute Agreement with Germany’s Karlsruhe Research Center
  • MANA International Symposium 2009