Vol.11 No.08 <October>

Expanding Scientific Communication
-Messages from STAM

2013.12.10 Published


Special Feature

   -Special Discussion "Future of academic journals and STAM"
  Masakazu Aono (Director General of MANA), Toyonobu Yoshida (Editor in Chief of STAM), Mikiko Tanifuji (Office Chief, Scientific Information Office)
-Aiming to Become a Comprehensive Academic Journal in Materials Science
  Toyonobu Yoshida (Editor in Chief of STAM)
-Recent news from STAM
-STAM's Objectives: The Past, Present, and Future of Academic Communication
  Mikiko Tanifuji (Office Chief, Scientific Information Office)
-Providing and Receiving Scientific Information. The Unique Role of the NIMS Scientific Information Office
  Scientific Information Office. NIMS Planning Division


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