Vol.13 No.6 <Oct-Nov>

The Next Ambition of Microscopists

2015.12.25 Published

The Next Ambition of Microscopists
With long lineage and continued challenges


History of the advancement of the electron microscope as viewed from Japan

[special talk]
Prof. Nobuo Tanaka
President of The Japanese Society of Microscopy,
Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University

Koji Kimoto
Director of the Surface Physics and Structure Unit,

Research Article 1 Abberation-corrected STEM (TITAN)

Observing atoms, recognizing elements.
 - Koji Kimoto (Director of the Surface Physics and Structure Unit, NIMS)

Research Article 2 Orthogonally-arranged FIB-SEM

A perfect match of manufacturer's new technology and researchers' needs
 - Toru Hara (Cheif Researcher, Surface Physics and Structure Unit, NIMS)

Research Article 3
Confocal STEM

Revolutionary idea of "moving a specimen" in STEM
 - Masaki Takeguchi (Director, Transmission Electron Microscopy Station, NIMS)
 - Ayako Hashimoto (Senior Researcher, Electron Microscopy Group, Surface Physics and Structure Unit, NIMS)

Realizing the Impossible -Development of the world's 1st aberration-corrected electron microscope

Prof. Knut Wolf Urban
Prof. Harald H. Rose
Prof. Maximilian Haider

Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe…)

Nobel Prize winners a la carte
  written by Akio Etori
  illustration by Shinsuke Yoshitake