Vol.13 No.04 <June-July>

Spearheading Collaboration with Industry

2015.08.07 Published

NIMS' Research Makes Impacts of Society


Dream came true with a perfect match: NIMS' Material and the Aviation Industry

[Strategic Use of Intellectual Property]
-For Bringing Out "Intelligence" as Property to Industry, and to Society
Keisuke Nakano (Manager, Intellectual Property Section, Research Collaboration Office, External Collaboration Division)

[Special Interviews with Key Persons of Center of Excellence]
Strategy and Science

-What Does the Collaboration between Toyota and NIMS Mean for Science and Technology?
Hideki Iba (General Manager, Battery Research Division, Higashifuji Technical Center, Toyota Mortor Corp.)

-A Shift from Monozukuri to Kotozukuri: Material Research Will be a Key for a Success
Yoshinori Onoue (President, LG Electronics Japan Lab Inc.)

[NOIC Taking on the Challenge of Change]
Yoshiya Kawashima (Group Leader, NOIC Administration Group, External Collaboration Division, NIMS)
Kenji Tsukamoto (Technical Advisor, Showa Denko K.K., Chairperson, NOIC Industrial Committee)

[NIMS Partners Club]
Direct Partnerships between NIMS and SMEs Created by npc
Takuma NIHIRA (Representative Director, Penguin Systems Co., Ltd.)


[Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe ...)]
Cosmetics and Hair Tonics which Came Out of Industry-Academia Collaboration
Akio Etori

Special Interview

- Dr. Naoto Hirosaki awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon