NIMS researchers won all the 2005 Tsukuba Prizes
Dr. Bando, Dr. Golberg and Dr. Gao were awarded the 16th Tsukuba Prize for their work on the creation of novel nanotubes and the discovery of nanothermometer.

Left: Dr. Yoshio BandoCenter: Dr. Dmitri GolbergRight: Dr. Yi-hua Gao

Dr. Kitamura

Dr. Ren
Dr. Golberg and Dr. Gao were the first foreigners to win the Tsukuba Prize.
Dr. Kitamura was awarded the Practical-Use Research Award of the Tsukuba Encouraging Prize for his work on the development of single crystals with high optical functions by defect control dynamics and their application to photo-functional devices.
Dr. Ren was awarded the Young Investigator's Award of the Tsukuba Encouraging Prize for his work on the discovery of giant electrostrain effect by a new principle. Dr. Ren was the first foreigner to win this award.