MOU with Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University
(June 20, 2006) Nano Ceramics Center(NCC) signed an MOU with Engineering Research Institute(ERI), Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.

Prof. Shin, Dong-Woo, Gyeongsang National University (left) and Dr. Tanaka, Hidehiko (right), Leader of Non oxide ceramics group, Nano ceramics center, in front of ERI at Jinju, Korea.
Japan and Korea have a long history and heavy technological accumulations of modern ceramics. We both have been collaborating together governmentally and privately by exchanging scientists. Structural ceramics find recently wide applications in high precision machines, semi-conductor and environmental materials industries. NCC and ERI need to keep mutual cooperation, and we will intensively work on the research studies of "Theory and Practice on Structural Ceramics"in order to develop advanced technologies creating special fine ceramics for these applications.