NIMS Signed Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with Slovak Academy of Sciences
(2013.07.19 Update)
(July 11th, 2013) NIMS concluded a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement (a sister institute agreement) with Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) of Slovak Republic.

President Ushioda and SAS President exchanging the documents
SAS originates in the Slovak Learned Society established in 1792. In 1989 significant changes and transformations were introduced to SAS and it became the present modern organization consisting of 56 research institutes, among which 23 are relevant to natural science and engineering, publishing 57 academic journals and supervising 51 academic societies. SAS is responsible for the education of doctoral students and both fundamental and applicational researches to promote science and technology in Slovakia. There are more than 3,000 staff members including about 1,800 researchers holding Ph.D. or D.Sc. degree, some of them are teaching at universities in and out of Slovakia.
SAS President Dr. Jaromir Pastorek visited NIMS in February, 2012 and also Ambassador of Slovakia to Japan, H.E. Mr. Drahomir Stos, in December. Since then both sides had been discussing the possibility of collaboration and finally reached the Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement signed by SAS President and NIMS President Prof. Ushioda during the SAS-IVF-JST Workshop on Advanced Materials held at Smolenice Castle owned by SAS on July 10 - 11.
This agreement is expected to facilitate many active personal exchanges and research collaborations.