Announcement of the 8th NIMS Forum


National Institute for Materials Science

The National Institute for Materials Science announced that it will hold the 8th NIMS Forum.


The National Institute for Materials Science (hereinafter, NIMS; President: Teruo Kishi) announced that it will hold the 8th NIMS Forum.
The NIMS Forum is an exhibition which has been held annually since NIMS was established in order to ensure wider public awareness of the research being done at NIMS and the resulting achievements. Until last year, the NIMS Forum had centered on “Oral Presentations” announcing research results and a “Poster Session” in which the research results were exhibited in poster form and the responsible researchers were available for direct discussions during core time, aiming at transfer of the technologies announced in oral presentations to private companies. This year’s NIMS Forum, which is the 8th in the series, will also include “Mini Lectures on Research Topics,” focusing on recent research which is expected to lead to breakthroughs in the future, and a “Technical Capabilities Exhibition Corner,” introducing the advanced technologies supporting research at NIMS and the world’s most advanced devices available at NIMS, such as the NMR magnet, which makes it possible to visualize the internal structures of materials.
Based on the keyword “the value of materials is in their use,” NIMS is providing opportunities for visitors to engage in a dialogue with NIMS researchers and to encounter materials research with the potential for new breakthroughs and research that will be the “seeds” of practical applications in the future. All those with an interest in materials research, and particularly those concerned with technology transfer, are invited to attend this year’s NIMS Forum. NIMS and its people are looking forward to seeing you.

October 29, 2008 (Wednesday)
Tokyo International Forum, Hall B7 (Yurakucho, Tokyo)
Those wishing to participate in the 8th NIMS Forum should apply at procedure the following URL: