Nagoya Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science Will Conclude a Collaboration/Cooperation Agreement

Aiming at Strengthening Human Resources Development by Improving Ceramics Research/Education and Contributing to Society through New Materials Development


Nobuyuki Matsui, President
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Teruo Kishi, President
National Institute for Materials Science

Nagoya Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science will conclude a “Basic Agreement on Promotion of Collaboration and Cooperation between Nagoya Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science and Agreement on a Joint Graduate School Program,” as follows, with the aim of encouraging learning and science and technology in Japan and internationally and contributing to the development of promising human resources by promoting collaboration and cooperation using the mutual research capabilities and human resources of the two institutions.


Nagoya Institute of Technology (President: Nobuyuki Matsui) and the National Institute for Materials Science (President: Prof. Teruo Kishi) will conclude a “Basic Agreement on Promotion of Collaboration and Cooperation between Nagoya Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science and Agreement on a Joint Graduate School Program,” as follows, with the aim of encouraging learning and science and technology in Japan and internationally and contributing to the development of promising human resources by promoting collaboration and cooperation using the mutual research capabilities and human resources of the two institutions. Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT) and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have long promoted joint research in fields related to ceramics, including, for example, the development of low environmental impact lighting and display materials which do not contain harmful substances (lead, cadmium, etc.), ultra-precise determination of the structures of materials, which is the basis for the development of ceramics, etc., and have cooperated in the creation of a world center for ceramics research and education. The conclusion of this agreement will further improve graduate school education at NIT by creating a Joint Graduate Program centering on the field of ceramics with the cooperation of NIMS researchers, who have numerous world-level achievements in this area, and is expected to make an important contribution to the development of learning and science and technology in Japan and internationally by further activating joint research in materials research related to energy, the environment, and biotechnology.
Signing ceremony for “Basic Agreement on Promotion of Collaboration and Cooperation between Nagoya Institute of Technology and the National Institute for Materials Science and Agreement on a Joint Graduate School Program, Etc.”
Date of ceremony:
October 24, 2008 (Friday)
National Institute for Materials Science, Tokyo Conference Room
Toranomon No. 30 Mori Building, 2nd Floor, Room 201
3-2-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Nobuyuki Matsui, President, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Teruo Kishi, President, National Institute for Materials Science