Vol.3 No.10 <October>

Special Features: Nanotechnology/Materials Research

2005.10.10 Published


Special Features: Nanotechnology/Materials Research

Supporting the Creation of a Sustainable Society IV
- From Japan to the World -
Development of Platinum/Cerium Oxide Fuel Cells Electrodes for Application to Mobile Devices
Pioneering Thermoelectric Materials in Polymer Systems
- The Quest for Substances which Do Not Exist in Inorganic Systems -
Development of High Strength Lightweight Metal Material by Nanostructural Control
- High Expectations for Dramatic Weight Reduction in Transportation Equipment -
Aiming at Chemical Sensing in the Nanoregion
Achievement of High Performance in Polymer Materials with 1 nm-Thick Silicate Nanosheet
Formation of Photocatalyst Thin Film on Unheated Substrate


  • ICYS Starts Collaboration with UCSB, U.S.
  • Visit by Executive Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 5th Meeting of the NIMS Advisory Board
  • NIMS Researchers Swept the 2005 Tsukuba Prizes
  • MOU with Charles University, Czech Republic

Hello from NIMS

James Owen (U.K.)