Vol.5 No.3 <Mar>

Introduction of 20 New Projects and Recent Achievements
- Nano Ceramics Center -

2007.03.10 Published


Special Features

Introduction of 20 New Projects and Recent Achievements
- Organic Nanomaterials Center (ONC) -
  • Toward the Creation of Innovative Ceramics
  • Fabrication of Highly Structure Controlled Ceramics through Nanoparticle Processing in Liquid Phase
  • Development of Advanced Non-Oxide Ceramic Materials
  • SiAlON Powder Phosphors for LEDs
  • Creation of High-Function Bulk Materials by Nano Grain Boundary Design
  • Synthesis of Functional Nanoparticles by Controlled Reactive Thermal Plasma Processing
  • Aiming at the Development of Functional Materials Utilizing Micro Holes

Hello from NIMS

Huabing Wang (China)


  • MOU with China's State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • Research Cooperation Agreement in Biodevice and Semiconductor Material Fields with Belgium's IMEC
  • Joint Workshop on Corrosion Science with University of Virginia, USA
  • Report on 2nd International Advanced Materials Forum (IAMF) and ICYS Workshop 2007
  • MOU with India's National Institute of Technology, Trichy (NITT)
  • Recruitment