Vol.5 No.5 <May>

Message from President

2007.05.10 Published


Message from President

Aiming at Becoming the World's Preeminent Materials Research Institution with an Autonomous, Independent Spirit
Prof. Teruo Kishi

NIMS NOW International Renewal - A Commemorative Talk

"In Creating New Things, A Very Open Mind Is Important"
Heinrich Rohrer (Nobel Laureate in Physics 1986)
Masakazu Aono (NIMS Fellow)

NIMS Project - NIMS Projects and Recent Achievements

High Temperature Materials Center
High Temperature Materials 21 Project
Development of High Performance Nickel (Ni) Base Single Crystal Superalloy
- Development of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloy with Excellent Creep Strength and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Properties for Gas Turbines in Power Generation -

Research Highlights

Development of Carbon Nanotubes with High Electrical Conductivity
Nano Frontier Materials Group, Nano System Functionality Center
Development of High Performance Photocatalyst-Coated Film
Advanced Materials Research Group, Photocatalytic Materials Center

FACE interview

The Answer is in Nature
Osamu Mishima, Senior Researcher


  • Reorganization of NIMS' Organization
  • Research Cooperation Agreement with BIOKON, Germany

Hello from NIMS

The Country of Robots
Michal Reiter (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)