Vol.5 No.9 <Sep>

[ DIALOGUE ] Continuing to Grow and Evolve as a Research Institute

2007.09.10 Published


[ DIALOGUE ] Continuing to Grow and Evolve as a Research Institute

Ryoji Noyori (President of RIKEN)
Teruo Kishi (President of NIMS)

SPECIAL Interview

Winner of the NIMS Award for Recent Breakthroughs in Materials Science and Technology
Prof. William Butler (Director, Center for Materials for Information Technology(MINT) University of Alabama, U.S.A.)

NIMS Project - NIMS Projects and Recent Achievements

Structural Metals Center
Design of High Strength, High Ductility, High Toughness Magnesium Alloys

Research Highlights

Probing Electronic States in the Vincinity of a Single Dopant Atom on a Silicon Surface
Development of Porous Scaffolds for Organoid Engineering

FACE Interview

'Compatibility between Research and Child Care: Gender Equality Activities at NIMS'
Gender Equality Team


  • Report on "NIMS Conference 2007"
  • 17th Tsukuba Encouragement Prize Awarded to NIMS Researchers
  • Cooperation Agreement with Metals Bank, Korea Institute of Materials Science
  • NIMS Signs MOU with the University of Central Florida, U.S.A.
  • NIMS Signs MOU with the U.K.'s University of Hull
  • NIMS Signs MOU with Loughborough University, U.K.
  • NIMS Takes Large Stride toward Becoming 'World Premier International' Research Center
  • The ICYS-ICMR Summer School on Nanomaterials 2007