Vol.5 No.10 <Oct>

NIMS NOW International – AIST TODAY Joint Plan

2007.10.10 Published


NIMS NOW International – AIST TODAY Joint Plan

[NIMS-AIST Presidents Talk Shop]
“A Penetrating Discussion of the Role of Independent Administrative Institutions”
Hiroyuki Yoshikawa (President of AIST)
Teruo Kishi (President of NIMS)
Akio Etori (Moderator:Public Relations Advisor of AIST)

NIMS Project - NIMS Projects and Recent Achievements

Magnetic Materials Center
Design of High Strength, High Ductility, The Search for Half-Metallic Heusler Alloy

Research Highlights

Nb3Al Superconducting Wire Aiming at Practical Application of a Novel Nb3Al Superconducting Wire Evaluation/Classification Methods in the Asian Region
Observation of Magnetic Domains in Spintronics Materials by Ultra-Low Temperature Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy

SPECIAL Interview

A Conception that Creates Novel Functions from Commonplace Materials
Prof. Hideo Hosono (Frontier Collaborative Research Center (FCRC) Materials and Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology)

FACE Interview

Usefulness to Society is the Final Goal of Researchers
Isao Nakatani, Research Fellow
(Innovative Materials Engineering Laboratory)


  • NIMS Signs an MOU with UCL, University College, London, U.K.
  • NIMS Signs an MOU with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A.
  • The 4th Japan-UK Nanotechnology Summer School Held
  • NIMS Fellows Receives the Japan Society of Applied Physics Fellow Commendation
  • Cooperation Agreement with China's Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • NIMS Senior Advisor Emeritus Honored as a Researcher Responsible for Advancement of Research Fronts in Japan
  • NIMS PoLyInfo Polymer Database Receives ORGATECHNO2007 Award

Hello from NIMS

Agata Roguska (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)