Vol.7 No.4 <May>

Special Feature: Superconducting Materials

2009.06.08 Published


Special Feature: Superconducting Materials

FACE Interview

The Past and Future of High Temperature Superconducting Materials
Hiroaki Kumakura
Managing Director, Superconducting Materials Center

Research Highlights

Discovery of New Fe-based Superconductor FeTe1-xSx
Nano Frontier Materials Group,
Superconducting Materials Center
NMR Measurements of Protein using a High Tc Superconducting Coilhave been Developed Successfully
Magnet Development Group,
Superconducting Materials Center RIKEN,
Kobe Steel, Ltd., JOEL, Ltd.
Rectification Controlled by Vortex Dynamics Control
Physical Properties Group,
Superconducting Materials Center


  • New Auditor
  • New Fellows
  • NIMS Receives a Certificate of Appreciation from JAXA
  • President Kishi receives the Nishiyama Medal from ISIJ

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