Vol.7 No.6 <Jul - Aug>

Special Feature: NIMS Venture Companies

2009.07.03 Published


President's Greetings

On my retirement: Looking back on 8 eventful years
Teruo Kishi
Greeting from the New President
Sukekatsu Ushioda

Special Feature: NIMS Venture Companies

“The True Value of Materials is in their Use” Launching and supporting NIMS-authorized ventures to utilize research results and return benefits widely to society
Oxide Corporation
Materials Design Technology Co., Ltd.
Probe Laboratory Inc.
Comet, Inc.

Special Interview

Creating new and different single crystals
Dr. Yasunori Furukawa
President & CEO, OXIDE Corporation

Research Highlights

A Photocatalytic Material Made with Clay Control of Solid/Liquid Interface
Nanostructure Control Research Group, Photocatalytic Materials Center
Development of Full Color Filter Using Surface Plasmon
Nano-Integration Facility, Nanotechnology Innovation Center


A New World Brought About by the Synthesis of Combinatorial Materials
Toyohiro Chikyow
Managing Director,
Advanced Electronic Materials Center


  • The 3rd Symposium on Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys for High Efficiency USC Power Plants 2009
  • 8th Japan-France Workshop on Nanomaterials
  • Promoting the formation of “Tsukuba Innovation Arena [TIA] nano”
  • UW/NIMS MolAT Forum
  • NIMS Obtains Creep Deformation Data Exceeding 40 Years