Vol.7 No.9 <Nov>

Creating World-class Research Centers in Innovative Fields

2009.12.03 Published


Creating World-class Research Centers in Innovative Fields

The Directors' Talk of WPI Centers
Hitoshi Murayama,
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe(IPMU),
The University of Tokyo

Masakazu Aono,
Director General,
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics(MANA),
National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS)

The First Two Years of MANA

Progress in Internationalization
55% International Researchers
Heaven for Researchers
Toward the Realization of a Sustainable Society
MANA Independent Scientists
3D System
The MANA Family: Satellites

Research Highlights

Platinum Nano-Kompeito
Success in the Development of Platinum Nanoparticles with an Ultrafine Mesostructure

Yusuke Yamauchi,
MANA Independent Scientist,
JST PRESTO Researcher(concurrent)

Wang Liang,
MANA Research Associate
Establishment of Stacking Structure of Chlorophyll Macromolecules
The NIMS 930MHz Solid State NMR Plays the Crucial Role
Tadashi Shimizu, High Field NMR Group,
Advanced Nano Characterization Center
Molecular assembly allowing 16-bit parallel signal transmission

Special Interview

Great Science, Good Art Needed To Overturn Paradigms
Prof. Nadrian C. Seeman,
Department of Chemisry, New York University


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  • Test Drive Event at NIMS with Toyota Fuel Cell Automobile
  • Dr. Seiji Kuroda Receives the Title of Fellow from ASM International, The Materials Information Society
  • 2nd NIMS-WUT-EMPA Workshop in Tsukuba

Hello from NIMS

Jose Rafael Colmenares-Angulo (Venezuela).
Visiting Graduate Student
Coating Materials Group, Hybrid Materials Center