Vol.7 No.10 <Dec>

Quantum Beams Opening Up Nano-innovation

2010.01.03 Published


Quantum Beams Opening Up Nano-innovation

What is a Quantum Beam?
Applying Quantum Beams to Nanotechnology
New Opportunities in Materials Research with Synchrotron Light Source
Structure Analysis of Materials Performed at SPring-8
A New Field in Materials Research Opened Up by Neutron Beams
Ion Beams, the Key to Nanomaterial Creation
Slow Quantum Beams for Investigating Surfaces

Face Interview

Progress in Internationalization
Inevitable Coupling between Quantum Beam Technology and Nanotechnology Materials Research
Naoki Kishimoto

Research Highlights

High Performance Magnesium Alloy without Rare-earth Elements
Lightweight Alloys Group,
Structural Metals Center
Prototype Fe-based Superconducting Wire Using Fe(Se,Te)
Nano Frontier Materials Group,
Advanced Superconducting Wires Group,
Superconducting Materials Center


  • Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with NU
  • MEXT Minister Tatsuo Kawabata Visits Tsukuba
  • Ethiopian Ambassador Visits NIMS