Vol.8 No.1 <Jan>

Diamond Research
From Gem to Material

2010.02.12 Published


A New Year's Message from the President

Prof. Sukekatsu Ushioda
President of NIMS

Special Feature
Diamond Research at NIMS-Elucidation of the Excellent
Properties of Diamonds and Their Application to Innovative

From Gem to Material
Mutsukazu Kamo,
NIMS Honorary Advisor
A Variety of High Pressure Synthetic Diamonds
Hisao Kanda, Tsukuba EXPO'85 Memorial Foundation /
NIMS Sensor Materials Center Research Advisor
Diamond Semiconductors and Deep UV Sensors
Yasuo Koide Group Leader, Optical Sensor Group,
Sensor Materials Center
Diamond Thin Film Growth and pn Junction Device
Satoshi Koizumi, Optical Sensor Group,
Sensor Materials Center
Development of Diamond Schottky Diode
Tokuyuki Teraji,
Optical Sensor Group,
Sensor Materials Center
Superconductivity in Diamonds
Yoshihiko Takano, Group Leader,
Nano Frontier Materials Group,
Superconducting Materials Center

Face Interview

Seiji Kuroda
Managing Director, Hybrid Materials Center
Evolving Coating Technology from Know-How to Science

Research Highlights

Safe, Easy-to-Use Far UV Light Emitting Device
Kenji Watanabe,
Optoelectronics Group, Optronic Materials Center

Takashi Taniguchi,
Group Leader, High Pressure Group,
Exploratory Nanomaterials Research Laboratory /
Optoelectronics Group, Optronic Materials Center
Graphene-based Quantum Devices
Satoshi Moriyama,Mana Independent Scientist

Daiju Tsuya,Eiichiro Watanabe,
Nanotechnology Innovation Center

Shinya Uji,
Nano-quantum Transport Group,
Exploratory Nanomaterials Research Laboratory


  • Dr. Ajayan Vinu Receives the ISCB Award for Excellence
  • Establishment of the Innovative Center of Nanomaterials Science for Environment and Energy
  • NIMS New Partnership
  • The 9th NIMS Forum The 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology at Tokyo Big Sight