Vol.8 No.7 <September>

Research on Next-generation Structural Materials

2010.10.08 Published


Research on Next-generation Structural Materials

Research on Next-generation Structural Materials - Building a Base for the Society of the Future
Takahito Ohmura,
International Cluster for Structural Materials(iSM)
Development of High Corrosion Resistance Hydroxyapatite Coating for Magnesium Alloy
Sachiko Hiromoto
Metallic Biomaterials Group,
Biomaterials Center

Takashi Sekiguchi
Group Leader,
Nano Device Characterization Group,
Advanced Electronic Materials Center
Development of Oxidation-resistant Coating which Retards Substrate Deterioration
Hideyuki Murakami
Coating Materials Group,
Hybrid Materials Center
Manifestation of Toughness in Ultra-High Strength/Low Alloy Steel in Low Temperature Region
Yuuji Kimura
Physical Metallurgy Group,
Structural Metals Center
Reliability Evaluation of Structural Materials for Low Temperature Use
Yoshinori Ono
Special Environment Group,
Materials Reliability Center
Elucidation of Mechanism of Gigacycle Fatigue and Establishment of Property Evaluation Method
Yoshiyuki Furuya
Fatigue Group,
Materials Reliability Center
Development of Nano-Micor Hierarchical Type Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Based Hybrid Composite
Kimiyoshi Naito
Composite Materials Group,
Hybrid Materials Center
Fabrication of Thin Foil of an Intermetallic Compound!
Masahiko Demura
Intermetallic Catalyst Group,
Fuel Cell Materials Center
3D/4D Stereology
Yoshitaka Adachi, Mayumi Ojima, Naoko Sato,
Basic Research Group,
Exploratory Materials Research Laboratory for Reliability and Safety
Establishment of Method of Predicting Structural Changes in Heat-Resistant Steels
Yoshiaki Toda
Heat Resistant Design Group,
Structural Metals Center
Microstructural Evaluation of Structural Materials by Analytical Electron Microscopy
Toru Hara
Advanced Electron Microscopy Group,
Advanced Nano Characterization Center
Results of the 1st International Cluster for Structural Materials Symposium

Special Interview

NIMS - The Best Place for Young Researchers to Improve their Strength
Dr. Yoshinao Mishima
Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
President, The Japan Institute of Metals(JIM)

Research Highlights

Control of Grain Boundary Chemistry and High Temperature Properties in Structural Ceramics by Cation Doping
Hidehiro Yoshida, Byung-Nam Kim, Koji Morita, Keijiro Hiraga(Group Leader)
Fine-Grained Refractory Materials Group,
Nano Ceramics Center
Nanostructures of Grain Boundaries in Structural Ultrafine Grained Metallic Materials
Seiichiro Ii
Structural Functions Research Group,
Hybrid Materials Center
Biocompatible Coronary Stent Controlling Cell Response by Polymeric Matrix and Drug
Motoki Inoue
NIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Researcher,
Biomaterial System Group,
Biomaterials Center

Tetsushi Taguchi
Senior Researcher,
Biomaterial System Group,
Biomaterials Center

Yasuyuki Katada
Group Leader,
Stack Materials Group,
Fuel Cell Materials Center

Yuji Miyahara
Managing Director,
Biomaterials Center

Katsuhito Fujiu
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Cardiovascular Medicine,
the University of Tokyo Hospital

Ichiro Manabe
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Cardiovascular Medicine,
the University of Tokyo Hospital

Ryozo Nagai
Dept. of Cardiovascular Medicine,
the University of Tokyo Hospital
Investigating the Electronic State of Iron-based Superconductors
Taichi Terashima
Nano-Quantum Transport Group,
Exploratory Nanomaterials Research Laboratory

Event Report

Results of NIMS Conference 2010

Special Interview

Taking Up Challenges with Passion and Open Communication
Prof. Jean-Marie Tarascon
Universite de Picardie Jules Verne


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  • Announcement: The 10th NIMS Forum