Vol.9 No.3 <April>

The new NIMS strategy to come

2011.05.16 Published

new projects, new units, new NIMS


special dialogue: Konstantin Novoselov and Sukekatsu Ushioda

Scientific freedom and the value of  'Crazy Projects'.
A conversation with Dr. Konstantin Novoselov, Nobel laureate in Physics, 2010.

'Chapter 3' The new NIMS strategy to come

The new chapter begins.
 - NIMS begins changes from April 2011.
 - A new organization at NIMS.
 - Changes in NIMS projects.


  • announcement: Conditions of NIMS after the Great East Japan Earthquake 
  • NEWS: MANA hosts "Prof. Rohrer's Science Class 2011" 
  • Hello from NIMS: Rudder Wu