Vol.9 No.2 <March>

2006-2010 A Review of NIMS Strategy

2011.04.04 Published


On the conclusion of the NIMS Second Five-year Plan

Prof. Sukekatsu Ushioda,
President of NIMS

2006-2010 A Review of NIMS Strategy

Key Nanotechnologies Field: Research and development in the NIMS Key Nanotechnologies Field
Daisuke Fujita,
Coordinating Director,
Key Nanotechnologies Field
Nanoscale Materials Field: Efforts toward creation and structural control of new nanoscale materials
Takayoshi Sasaki,
Coordinating Director,
Nanoscale Materials Field
Nanotech-driven Materials Research for Infotmation Technology Field: Solutions to many fundamental problems of next-generation IT equipment parts
Yasuhiro Horiike,
Coordinating Director,
Nanotech-Driven Materials Research for Information Technology Field
Nanotech-Driven Materials Research for Biotechnology Field: Developing technologies for the medical industry by merging materials science and biotechnology
Takao Aoyagi,
Coordinating Director,
Nanotech-Driven Materials Research for Biotechnology Field
Materials Research for Environment and Energy Field: Research and development for advanced environmental and energy materials
Kotobu Nagai,
Coordinating Director,
Materials Research for Environment and Energy Field
Materials Research for Reliability and Safety Field: To provide solutions to "old, yet new problemd" and "problems that take long periods of time to be solved"
Yutaka Kagawa,
Coordinating Director,
Materials Research for Reliability and Safety Field


  • NEWS: Workshops on Graphene and Dirac Electron Systems
  • NEWS: International Symposia on Photocatalysts
  • Hello from NIMS: Qingsong Mei