Vol.12 No.04 <June-July>

NIMS Materials in Space

2014.08.31 Published


NIMS Materials in Space

Episode 1. Observers of the Rocket Engine

Episode 2. Small, High Performance Rockets in Space
   Improvement of thrusters - the most critical device that determines the lives of satellites in space

Episode 3. Cutting-Edge ADR to be Loaded on Astronomy Satellite ASTRO-H
   Material developed by NIMS leads to a new way of observing the universe

Science Column: Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe...)
   Lasers as a Drive for Advanced Science and Technology (written by Akio Etori, illustration by Shinsuke Yoshitake)


  • Report of NIMS Conference 2014
  • NIMS signed a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement (CCA) with Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • Hello from NIMS