Vol.12 No.05 <Aug-Sep>

Japan's Aging Infrastructure

2014.10.31 Published

The actions we need to take now


Japan's Aging Infrastructure

[Introduction]  Dealing with aging infrastructure: issues and NIMS's approach to them
Interviewee: Koichi Tsuchiya (Managing Director, Research Center for Strategic Materials)

[Prevent (Deterioration)]  Prevent Reinforced Concrete from Deterioration:  Finding appropriate measures through understanding the mechanisms
 Tadashi Shinohara (Leader of Materials Corrosion Group, Materials Reliability Unit),
 Toshiyasu Nishimura (Leader of Materials Recycling Design Group, Research Center for Strategic Materials)
  (Interviewer and writer: Akiko Ikeda)

[Restore]  Application of Welding and Thermal Spray for Repairing Steel Structures:  Resolving issues through Creative ideas
 Terumi Nakamura (Director of Materials Manufacturing and Engineering Station)
 Makoto Watanabe (Principal researcher, Coating Materials Group, High Temperature Materials Unit)
 (Interviewer and writer: Akiko Ikeda)

[Inspect]  Investigating the Mechanism of Destruction via Non-Destructive Inspection:  New method which leads to new knowledge 
Interviewee: Mitsuharu Shiwa (Group Leader, Non-Destructive Evaluation Group, Materials Reliability Unit)

[Tripartite talk] Pioneering New Industries by Clarifying Mechanisms: The story behind the application of new Fe-based shape-memory alloy in a tower building's vibration dampers
 Tadakatsu Maruyama (Awaji Materia Co., Ltd.)
 Atsumichi Kushibe (Takenaka Corporation)
Tadahiro Sawaguchi (NIMS)

Science Column: Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe...) 2
Great potentials of carbon nanotubes (written by Akio Etori, illustration by Shinsuke Yoshitake)


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