Vol.12 No.06 <Oct-Nov>

Soft Materials

2015.01.20 Published


Soft Materials

[Introduction] What are the soft materials?
Izumi Ichinose (Unit Director, Polymer Materials Unit, Advanced Key Technologies Division)

How to Create Soft Materials
Junko Aimi (Organic Materials Group, Polymer Materials Unit, Advanced Key Technologies Division)
Kazunori Sugiyasu (Organic Materials Group, Polymer Materials Unit, Advanced Key Technologies Division)

[Comments from NIMS Award winners]
Prof. Mitsuo Sawamoto (Professor, Kyoto University)
Prof. Krzysztof (Kris) Matyjaszewski (Professor, Carnegie Mellon University)

Diverse applications of Soft Materials
The current research on soft materials will be presented in terms of five usage categories:
1. Electoronic function
2. Biomaterials
3. Optical function
4. Adhesives
5. Separation function


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