Vol.13 No.01 <Dec-Jan>

Light-Emitting Materials

2015.03.13 Published

Filling the World with New Light


Light-Emitting Materials

Illuminate Darkness and Generate Colors

Designing color of light
Naoto Hirosaki (Unit Director, Sialon Unit, Environment and Energy Materials Division)

Pioneering high-brightness, high-power optical sources using single-crystals
Kiyoshi Shimamura (Group Leader, Optical Crystal Group, Optical and Electronic Materials Unit, Environment and Energy Material Division)
Garcia Villora (Senior Researcher, Optical Crystal Group, Optical and Electronic Materials Unit, Environment and Energy Material Division)

Blue light shines after years of adversity

Yasuo Koide (Director, Research Network and Facility Services Division)


[Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe ...)]
Sketch of light

Akio Etori


  1. NIMS signs a a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement (CCA) and an International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP) Agreement with Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  2. Report on the 6th Tsukuba International Coating Symposium
  • Hello from NIMS