Vol.13 No.02 <Feb-Mar>

The Future of Smart Mobility

2015.04.24 Published

Nano-Electronics Materials


The Future of Smart Mobility

Taking on the Challenge of Developing Nano-Electronics Materials

[NIMS NOW Special Dialogue]
When Vehicles Understand Humans

Tsuguo Nobe (Director, Intel Corporation also a Visiting Associate Professor at Nagoya University)
Toyohiro Chikyow (Unit Director, Nano-Electronic Materials Unit Nano-Materials Field, MANA)

[Sector-1] Power Saving & Safety:
For One-Chip Electronic Devices

Takahiro Nagata (Semiconductor Device Materials Group, Nano-Electronic Materials Unit, Nano-Materials Field, MANA)

[Sector-2] Image Sensor:
Attention-grabbing material and technology to install three-dimensional LSI

Jin Kawakita (MANA Scientist, Semiconductor Device Materials Group, Nano-Electronic Materials Unit, Nano-Materials Field, MANA)

[Sector-3] Display:
Green Display - The Fourth New Material

Kazuhito Tsukagoshi (π-Electron Electronics Unit, Nano-Materials Field, MANA)
Toshihide Nabatame (Manager, MANA Foundry)


[Science is even more amazing than you think (maybe ...)]
Amazing Evolution of Computers

Akio Etori


  1. NIMS signed an ICGP Agreement with University of Strasbourg, France
  2. NIMS Concludes a MOU with the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand
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