NIMS Signed a Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement with CNRS, France
(2012.05.28 Update)
(May 25, 2012) Delegation of 9 executive members from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France, including Directors of Institute of Chemistry and Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences with two members of the Office for North Asia in Tokyo visited NIMS and concluded Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement (CCA: a sister institute agreement).

President Ushioda and Director Réau showing the CCA
President Fuchs officially appointed Dr. Réau, Director of Institute of Chemistry, to the delegation leader plenipotentiary and Dr. Réau signed the CCA on behalf of CNRS.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is the largest government organization in Europe dedicated to fundamental research, and it employs 34,000 people of which 25,600 are tenured (11,400 researchers and 14,200 engineers and support staffs) and it has produced 17 Nobel prize laureates.
10 research institutes including 3 national institutes, 19 regional offices and nearly 1,100 research units (94% are joint research laboratories with universities, public research institutes and industry) are affiliated with CNRS.
NIMS has been collaborating with 6 research institutes belonging to CNRS under Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for research and personnel exchanges, and moreover the Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement(CCA) was concluded in 2004 with the headquarter of CNRS.
Now a new CCA has been signed and both sides are hoping to enhance their collaboration than ever.
Following the signing ceremony, the delegates made a discussion with NIMS President Prof. Ushioda and Executive Vice Presidents and then visited NIMS Saint-Gobain Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials which has been founded and operated cooperatively by NIMS and Saint-Gobain, France.