The impact of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials keeps growing
(2012.07.12 Update)
The impact factor of the journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM) keeps rising over the last three consecutive years, reaching the value of 3.513 in 2011.
The numbers of submitted and published articles have also increased in 2011 from 313 to 399 and from 59 to 92, respectively. According to Thomson Reuters, STAM now ranks 36th out of 231 journals worldwide in the category Materials Science & Multidisciplinary. While the past impact factors of STAM were dominated by a very few highly successful articles. The 2011 value is a sum of dozens of comparable contributions, indicating that the journal is reaching stability.
STAM is published by the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, in partnership with Institute of Physics Publishing, UK. Launched twelve years ago, the journal offers an open access platform — free to submit, free to read — for the rapid dissemination of high-quality research papers and review articles for the global materials science community. The journal has broadened its scope from metals, alloys and ceramics—areas of traditional interest for NIMS and Japanese materials scientists—to nanobiomaterials, organic conductors, superconductors, nanoelectromechanical systems, degradation of polymers and other environmental topics. STAM also publishes Focus Issues, to complement regular papers and provide up to date information about discoveries and trends in materials science. The focus topics of 2011 included New Materials Mimicking Nature, Combinatorial Materials Science, Materials Nanoarchitectonics, and Advanced Ceramics. STAM welcomes high-quality articles or comments about the journal, which can be submitted via the link below.
STAM is published by the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, in partnership with Institute of Physics Publishing, UK. Launched twelve years ago, the journal offers an open access platform — free to submit, free to read — for the rapid dissemination of high-quality research papers and review articles for the global materials science community. The journal has broadened its scope from metals, alloys and ceramics—areas of traditional interest for NIMS and Japanese materials scientists—to nanobiomaterials, organic conductors, superconductors, nanoelectromechanical systems, degradation of polymers and other environmental topics. STAM also publishes Focus Issues, to complement regular papers and provide up to date information about discoveries and trends in materials science. The focus topics of 2011 included New Materials Mimicking Nature, Combinatorial Materials Science, Materials Nanoarchitectonics, and Advanced Ceramics. STAM welcomes high-quality articles or comments about the journal, which can be submitted via the link below.

STAM's Impact Factor Trends (Thomson Reuters, 2011)
The most cited articles in STAM 2011 are;
- Hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanostructures; by Sunandan Baruah, 2009, 27 cites in 2011 (Total 67 cited)
- Organic field-effect transistors using single crystals; by Tatsuo Hasegawa, 2009, 23 cites in 2011 (Total 39 cited)
- Present status of amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors; by Toshio Kamiya, 2010, 20 cites in 2011 (Total 45 cited)
- Electric current activated/assisted sintering (ECAS): a review of patents 1906-2008; by Salvatore Grasso, 2009, 18 cites in 2011 (Total 40 cited)
- Organic semiconductors for organic field-effect transistors; by Yoshiro Yamashita, 2009, 12 cites in 2011 (Total 28 cited)
- Electrode materials: a challenge for the exploitation of protonic solid oxide fuel cells; by Emiliana Fabbri, 2010, 10 cites in 2011 (Total 15 cited)
Mikiko Tanifuji
STAM Editorial Office < (Please change "=" to "@")>
STAM Editorial Office < (Please change "=" to "@")>